*Each state has it's own rules and laws, and it's up to the student to research and follow their state requirements.
In Oregon, It Looks Like More Of You Can Go Pro....
Oregon has modified the rules for Energy Work modalities like Touch For Health. It is no longer required to have an additional license to touch as long as you complete TFH Instructor Training, are a member of the Touch For Health
Kinesiology Association adhering to the professional standards, and follow some other criteria.
Read about it yourself and see what you think...
Check Out Oregon Revised Statutes
687.031 Application of ORS 687.011 to 687.250, 687.895 and 687.991
The Statutes are updated every 2 years so we will see in early 2022 if anything changes about this.
While I am an advocate for high professional standards and public safety, I think this is an AWESOME opportunity for more people to make a living doing this incredible work.
As an education based modality that is strictly non-diagnostic, and practiced under the Self-Responsibilty model, Touch For Health stays in an appropriate lane that is extremely safe, effective and beneficial for the public. I am happy that Oregon has lifted some of the barriers for TFH as a career choice so that more people can help others.

So excited for you! And for all of the people you will be able to help!