Zenbrio Forum
Greetings and Salutations! Have a look around and join in anywhere!
Congratulations! You are now officially a member of our TFH online community. This is a good place to begin exploring.
Could it be a smidgy better? It can be really inspiring to see others' balancing goals and the results. Share yours here!
Share your favorite places to stay (hotels, air bnbs?), restaurants, and requests (room-shares?) for visiting Eugene.
For discussion about using Touch For Health professionally as a provider or instructor.
Share your favorite moments and insights from the Zenbrio TFH Energy Kinesiology classroom experience!
Share your wins with TFH! What Aha! insights, relief, growth, or other delicious moments have you experienced?
Ask any question related to TFH. Just remember the info on this forum is public. To keep it between members add to a private category.