Hey TFH friends! I just finished the synthesis and have so many newbie questions!
Here's one: if someone came to you trying to work with a complaint such as a rash, allergies, asthma, long covid, or other physical discomfort that doesn't come with pain, how might you proceed?
Say I have a mysterious rash, and no idea what it's connected to...it comes and goes and I've been to docs but they're not helpful. I'm not sure how you'd put that in context of a goal balance besides to talk about how you'd feel when it was resolved and maybe ways that it limits your life. That's about what I've got - what else comes to mind for you?
During the dialogue, I also like to inquire about the timeframe when the person first noticed the rash, or how long this has been going on, and whether they can recall any transitions or current stressors that were occurring at the same or similar time in their life...