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Forum Posts
Sara McRae
TFH Instructor
Sep 21, 2023
In Professional Development
For those of you who have been patiently waiting for an opportunity to take Proficiency, check out Matthew's online option in December! Cheers.
Sara McRae
TFH Instructor
Dec 04, 2022
In TFH Q&A (Open to Public)
Hi ZenbrioGeeks... I have a question for you... What meridian do you think most represents personal purpose? (Or as John Thie said, life purpose, soul's purpose or "Telos") Like if someone was being called by their body/subconscious to discover their purpose, what meridian would you suspect to be out of balance and why? I have a theory... what is yours? Is there anything about this in TFH book? Or is there anything about this in your TCM or Energy Kinesiology resources, online etc.? Thanks! #purpose #meridians #touchforhealth
Sara McRae
TFH Instructor
Aug 13, 2022
In Professional Development
Masters Meetups are for TFHers who have taken the Synthesis and desire to expand, promote and refine your TFH practice. Our focus is teaching and learning, skill development, curriculum/presentation development, business, marketing, ethics and communication. This is a group dedicated to personal and professional alignment who value the opportunity to give and receive support and feedback for ongoing mastery and development in TFH. SCROLL DOWN TO MEETUP DATE FOR PERSONAL ASSIGNMENTS If you cannot attend, and you have been assigned to present something, please arrange with someone else to do it. Meeting Framework - 1) Accountability Update - 2min on what you are working on and anything you need support with volunteers/feedback etc. 2) Bidness Speel - 30sec-2min each Who are you and who are you talking to? Then give your brief TFH speel. The forum responds with one BRIEF and succinct positive feedback (example. "Your voice was clear." "I like when you said x." "You gave great eye contact." 3) Energy Routine - Someone leads the group in a 3-5min energy routine. 4) Fun TFH Games - Someone leads the group in a brief TFH game. Something instructors could use in a TFH class to enrich learning in a fun way. 5) Teaching and Learning Someone teaches a segment of the L1 curriculum 10-15min max. 6) Presentation/Activity Someone presents/practices/leads an activity 20-45min Things we want to accomplish: -What is our TFH Mission Statement, collective and personal? -What is your target audience? -What are the pillars of your business? What 3 things do you want to be known for? -What is your TFH track and what areas do you need support? Marketing presentation to target audience. 20-60min Your 3-5min elevator speech Prepare 2-4 Hour TFH Intro curriculum for target audience Retake Sythesis, retake it again as a co-instructor I DATES AND ASSIGNMENTS Sept 23 - Friday Night Lights - TFH Masters 🤓 5:30 ALL - Accountability Update ALL - TFH Speel Tess - Energy Routine Shannon - TFH Game Dan - Correction Reflex, Neurolymphatics. Review for the group when and how to apply Neurolymphatic Reflex and Neurolymphatic Release (5min) Amie - demo for the group one Simple Pain Technique (5min) Joyce, Mandy or Shannon- Review and demo for the group Visual Inhibition and/or Auricular Excercise (10-15min) Partners practice in pairs (20min) ALL - Homework what is YOUR target audience and what is YOUR mission statement? Bring this to next Masters group. Oct 28- Friday Night Lights - TFH Masters 🤓 5:30 ALL - Accountability Update ALL - TFH Speel Dan - Energy Routine Mandy - TFH Game Amie - Correction Reflex, Neurovasculars. Review for the group when and how to apply Neurovasculars (5min) Margot - demo for the group one Simple Pain Technique (3-5min) Sara - Review AIM and Challenging Partners practice in pairs 14 muscle balance with challenging ALL - Share personal target audience and mission statement. Group Brainstorm collective TFH Mission statement. Nov 18 - Friday Night Lights - TFH Masters 🤓 5:30 ALL - Accountability Update ALL - TFH Speel Margot - Energy Routine Amie - TFH Game Tess - Correction Reflex, Tracing the Meridian. Review for the group when and how to apply Meridian Tracing (5min) Shannon - demo for the group one Simple Pain Technique (3-5min) Mandy - Review ESR with AIM Partners practice in pairs ESR balance ALL - Group Brainstorm continue discussion Dec 9 - Friday Night Lights - TFH Masters 🤓 5:30 ALL - Accountability Update ALL - TFH Speel Katie - Energy Routine Joyce - TFH Game Shannon - Correction Reflex, Origin/Insertion and Spindle Cell. Review for the group when and how to apply (5min) Dan - demo for the group one Simple Pain Technique (3-5min) Shannon - Posture Awareness Mandy - 5 Element Emotion Partners practice in pairs 14 muscle balance with posture awareness + 5 Element Emotion ALL - Group Discussion
Sara McRae
TFH Instructor
Jul 28, 2022
In Touch for Health Wins
This memory popped up for me on FB, and I just delight in the enthusiasm I had going into my Instructor Training Workshop! I can't believe it was only 7 years ago that I learned TFH. It's so fun to look back and remember how ALL IN I was, and committed to changing my practice from massage to TFH. Little did I know I would fall in love with teaching, too! I have just as much awe and appreciation today, as I did in the beginning. The learning never ends, and it's just as exciting to me now as it was then to learn more and "nerd out" with friends. TFH is pretty cool! I would say this steady, consistent enthusiasm over time, for this gorgeous powerful modality, is a big fat win. !
Sara McRae
TFH Instructor
Jul 26, 2022
In Our Goal Statements
What are you capable of today, that you were not capable of before TFH? I am curious... Was it a result of a particular balance or cumulative? Do you remember the goal statement? How is your life better because of this? Stories, please!?!
Sara McRae
TFH Instructor
Jul 15, 2021
In Eugene Resources
Where would you recommend students stay while they are taking classes? Where did you stay and how was it? Please add to this thread to help travelling students find accommodations! Local Peeps - what would you recommend?
Sara McRae
TFH Instructor
Jul 09, 2021
In Our Goal Statements
Recently I had a balance with Shannon around "success." It was a balance intended to reveal and clear any areas of stress or fear I may have, in order to confidently move forward to execute my goals in building Zenbrio School. The balance was amazing (aren't they all?), and I am feeling and seeing the positive changes in myself as a result. But that's not the part I want to share with you. What I want to share was an interesting Ahaaaaaa moment that was revealed, which led us to do an additional mini balance, after the main one. I discovered that I had a belief that in general, "People who do healing work, don't know how to run a successful business." While the 'conscious me did not want to believe that, it turns out I have had that belief running in the background for years. I can remember being in massage school in my early 20s thinking, "most of these people don't have a clue! They are so sweet and they want to save the world, but they don't stand a chance to actually create a successful business. Healers are too busy helping and they just aren't good at the rest." Well folks, THAT is a problem! It's not true. And yet... that is what my my subconscious was aligned with. Now we all know what happens when I have such a limiting belief about healers in general. Healers in general are stuck. And what a fascinating discovery in contrast to my life's work and what I promote in regard to Touch For Health, "That anyone can do it, even you! And you are competent enough, even at Level 1 to provide profound healing!" Yes!!! But underneath it all I didn't think that someone with a big heart, and a healer's desire to make a difference, was also competent enough to run a successful business and make lots of money at it. What a profound discovery of something so incredibly limiting lurking around in my thoughts, feelings and beliefs. How contradictory to the reality I desire to create. I am so excited that Shannon led me to this discovery and I am now aligned with the firm belief that - Healers are competent! We are all capable of creating a thriving successful businesses with ease and joy, doing exactly what we love. Of course that is true! We already have everything we need. We have the most powerful tool to leverage ourselves at every step of the way, and attract whatever we need to achieve what we want. We have Touch For Health. If anyone is capable, it's us! Duuuuuh! ❤ Sara PS - I hope this inspires and encourages you to check in with (via accurate indicator muscle) not only what you believe about yourself, but what you believe in about others. I want to live in a reality where not only am I successful, but everyone around me is, too! Enjoy!
Sara McRae
TFH Instructor
Jun 29, 2021
In Professional Development
*Each state has it's own rules and laws, and it's up to the student to research and follow their state requirements. In Oregon, It Looks Like More Of You Can Go Pro....
Oregon has modified the rules for Energy Work modalities like Touch For Health. It is no longer required to have an additional license to touch as long as you complete TFH Instructor Training, are a member of the Touch For Health Kinesiology Association adhering to the professional standards, and follow some other criteria. Read about it yourself and see what you think...
Check Out Oregon Revised Statutes
687.031 Application of ORS 687.011 to 687.250, 687.895 and 687.991 The Statutes are updated every 2 years so we will see in early 2022 if anything changes about this. While I am an advocate for high professional standards and public safety, I think this is an AWESOME opportunity for more people to make a living doing this incredible work. As an education based modality that is strictly non-diagnostic, and practiced under the Self-Responsibilty model, Touch For Health stays in an appropriate lane that is extremely safe, effective and beneficial for the public. I am happy that Oregon has lifted some of the barriers for TFH as a career choice so that more people can help others.
Sara McRae
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