Yes, it's really important to find your sweet spot with new clients. It is interesting that your clients are ready to "tap out" early. Something is up!
The place I would start, (of course 😁) would be to get my own energy balanced on the subject of new clients. I would absolutely 100% start with a balance for you on this subject. That way you are operating from a place of confidence, joy and positive expectation as opposed to the dispondence that has worked it's way in there. There may be a couple balance opportunities here, or things you may want to include: attracting the right clients, communicating the potential, how you want to feel doing sessions, expecting return customers....
I think you nailed it when you said that you may not be attracting the right people. That is a good thing to define and balance for, especially when you are starting out.
This would be a very juicy balance topic for an attractor value!
(Is there anyone else here who wants to balance on this subject??? Might be a great topic for an online group balance.)
I love that you are asking for suggestions on this...aside from getting a balance, here are some thoughts that came to mind:
If you haven't done this already...
Get clear about your intention for new clients -
For example, I want new clients to have a fun experience, to feel very heard and tended to, and for them to feel lighter walking out then they did walking in (feel some benefits of the work). If they get more understanding about the potential of the work, if we get a whole balance done, that's bonus. But my dominant intent is that it's fun, we have a good time together, that they enjoyed the time focusing on their goal. Getting clear on your intent can be helpful if you haven't done that yet... and even balancing on that. I remember that I balanced at one point, "I have fun with my clients" because I was pretty serious and I realized that I wasn't having as much fun as I wanted to.
Go super simple in education-
Perhaps just go straight into goal balance dialogue, keep it more brief and simple.... lighter still works. Then do AIM, a little cross crawl and move along. You can keep it super simple... "Let's see if we can turn your muscle on and off in a few different ways. Just see if you can feel the difference." (You can leave out what the prechecks are all about...)
Keep your explanations brief or just keep it at, "lets try this and see how it feels." Sometimes people can get bogged down with too much info in the education, especially if stress is online. You could even say, "I am going to have you try some techniques and excercises, and you can just follow along. If you want to know more about what it is or why we are doing it, you can ask, but otherwise I just want you to feel." Some people seem to do well and want to know what we are doing and why, and some people do better with less is more.
Go super simple in procedure -
It sounds like getting some momentum going, would be helpful. Remember, you CAN skip things. You could do the goal dialogue, get AIM with just a few of the prechecks, and then have them say the statement and move right into testing muscles. If you skip some steps (even prechecks), maybe the balance isn't perfect or maybe not every aspect is included... so what? They are still going to have some benefit. Or you could go back to some things once the momentum is rolling and they are alert and with the process.
Infuse some vavavoom -
If they are tapping out is there some energy of "enlivened or tuned in, up beat, eager for more, light, simple, or aware"....? that you are wanting? Is it too slow, grounded, calm, steady, thorough, detailed? Is there an energy, attitude, emotion or pace that would counter balance the tapping out? Is there a way to bring that in?
Opportunities to clear your limiting beliefs/imbalances about working with new clients -
Just in general, have you looked at, what are the intentions, feelings, emotions and thoughts that come up for you around working with new clients with TFH? See if there are any limiting beliefs or opportunities to balance for in there. Sometimes I get an ahaaa just asking myself questions to try to identify what is really stuck in me. Why am I having this experience? What is it in me that is creating it? How do I want it to be different? One of the times I did this I found I was attracting skeptics and it would get me into a "proving myself" mode. That was an important thing to balance.
Thank you for being open and sharing. Without being with you it's hard to say what is going on. I hope some ideas in here are helpful.🎈 I am looking forward to our chat!