Touch For Health Level 1 + MRT Practice
3-Day Course 24CE - in person, Instructor Sara McRae
Available spots
Service Description
Feel delicious in your body with Touch for Health 1, an extraordinary source of holistic healing knowledge. SCHEDULE Feb 20-22 Touch For Health Level 1+ TOTAL 24CE (16hrs TFH + 8hrs MRT Practice Hours) In this course, you will acquire a comprehensive understanding of a system that balances posture, emotions, and the meridian energies of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Learn to utilize this system effectively to accomplish your goals. Discover the techniques to release stress and break free from entrenched patterns. Touch for Health 1 encompasses the fundamentals of this methodology, including the application of precision muscle monitoring as a biofeedback tool, and the testing and correction of 14 muscles. Additionally, you will learn to alleviate emotional distress, energize yourself daily, comprehend the theory of acupuncture meridians, and achieve goal balancing. The practical aspect of the course involves acquiring hands-on skills, including various touch reflexes such as neuro-lymphatic massage, neuro-vascular points, spinal reflex, meridian tracing, and muscle-specific reflexes origin/insertion. By mastering these techniques, you will be able to significantly enhance your posture and rectify imbalances within the meridian system. During the course, you will become proficient in muscle tests and corrections for the following 14 primary muscles and meridians: Supraspinatus – Central Meridian Teres Major – Governing Meridian Pectoralis Major Clavicular – Stomach Meridian Latissimus Dorsi – Spleen Subscapularis – Heart Quadriceps – Small Intestine Peroneus – Bladder Psoas (Oh the magnificent psoas!) – Kidney Gluteus Medius – Circulation Sex/Pericardium Teres Minor – Triple Warmer Anterior Deltoid – Gallbladder Pectoralis Major Sternal – Liver Anterior Serratus – Lung Fascia Lata – Large Intestine No prerequisites are required for TFH Level 1, making it accessible to beginners with no prior knowledge of muscles, anatomy, or Chinese acupuncture energy theory. CERTIFICATES From the International Kinesiology College - 16hrs TFH Level 1 From Zenbrio School - 8 hrs MRT Practice TEXTBOOKS The Touch For Health Complete Edition is included with tuition. The Touch For Health Workbook can be purchased from and is recommended if you plan on taking all four levels of TFH.
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Contact Details
Zenbrio House Wellness Center, Pearl Street, Eugene, OR, USA